Monatsarchiv: Juli 2016

Whistleblowers & Vigilantes – Digital resistance from a human rights perspective

On Sunday, August 31 Amnesty International and Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HKMV) invite you to the exhibition „Whistleblower & Vigilanten. Figures of Digital Resistance“


  • 12:00 – 12:30: Introduction by Amnesty International to mass surveillance and the importance of encryption as a tool to protect human rights online
  • 12:30 – 13:15: Guided tour to the exhibition, featuring figures of digital resistance, their legal concepts and motivations
  • from 13:15 on: Continue visiting the exhibition or have a cup of tea or coffee with members of Amnesty International


  • Dortmunder U (3rd Floor, Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse, 44137 Dortmund)

The guided tour is sponsored by Amnesty International; you have to pay only the entry fee of 5,00 Euro (2,50 Euro reduced price). To help us organise the tour better we encourage you to write to to register for the event. Weiterlesen