Date: Monday, 5th December 2022, 18-20h
Location: vhs (Gustav-Heinemann-Platz 2-6, Bochum), Clubraum
Every December 10, the international community celebrates Human Rights Day to mark the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. On this occasion, Amnesty International implements its yearly “Write for Rights” campaign with the aim to encourage people to become active on behalf of human rights.
As part of this year’s campaign, Bochum’s local Amnesty group organizes a workshop on the expressive power of letter writing. In the first part of the workshop, we will read and discuss Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” In this letter, King contextualizes his imprisonment in a Birmingham jail cell against the backdrop of his nonviolent civil rights activism to end segregation and the larger struggle for human rights.
Having traced his timeless line of argumentation for why human rights activism matters, the second half of the workshop introduces Amnesty’s “Write for Rights” campaign and encourages participants to become actively engaged in writing letters for persons whose human rights are under threat.